Friday, July 25, 2008

Quote of the Day...and why I love Twitter

As I spend time on Twitter keeping up to date with my wine buds, Randy Hall of Wine Biz Radio fame started an new trend in microblogging. Call it boredom, call it random silliness, but Randy has started the TWOT. No, it's not a disease, it's the

Given Randy's recent daddy-hood, I decided to pitch in today and offer up today's TWOT:


Sem`pi*ter"nal\, a. [L. sempiternus, fr. semper always: cf. F. sempiternel.]1. Of neverending duration; everlasting; endless; having beginning, but no end. --Sir M. Hale. 2. Without beginning or end; eternal.

To which Patrick of Iridesse Wines, aka Oenophilus offered up the following quotable quote:

Until we recognize our codependence on natural corks, TCA contamination will be sempiternal.

Cheers to the best TWOT of the day Patrick! Perhaps this will inspire you to join the Twittersphere. Good times, good times.

And perhaps given the impending film debut of Bottle Shock, we had better read George Taber's other book, To Cork or Not to Cork.


Sonadora said...

Ah, the Twitter time suck. I'm fairly certain it's a good thing that I can't access it at work or I'd never get anything done!

The Wine Brat said...

Heehee! That is so true! But entertaining! :-p